The God We Know
God didn’t owe us anything, but He chose to reveal Himself to us in two powerful ways: through nature, and through His Word. Find out how these point to His glory and holiness as we look together at Psalm 19.
God didn’t owe us anything, but He chose to reveal Himself to us in two powerful ways: through nature, and through His Word. Find out how these point to His glory and holiness as we look together at Psalm 19.
Psalm 22 comes out of an incredibly difficult time in David’s life, yet its words point to the darkest moment in history. Find out about how David’s suffering pointed us to Jesus in this message.
Even the strongest of us still fall at times. Learn three truths about confession and sin from David’s response to his greatest failure, as recorded in Psalm 51.
Odds are, you have heard Psalm 23 a thousand times in your life. From inspirational post cards to funerals, it’s everywhere. In this message, we seek to really examine the heart of what David teaches us about our Shepherd.
Wondering how to live a life that actually means something? Learn how to make your life fruitful by examining Psalm 1 with us.