Resources for Sunday, May 10 2020

Sunday Worship Service

Alternate Message for Young Children

Parents: Our sermon topic this week covers topics that may not be suited for younger ears. Please watch the video below in place of this week’s message if you have concerns.

Also, please note that this video is on YouTube and may contain ads. The church has no control over those…sorry! Find more Superbook stories and activities here.

Children’s Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

Weekly Readings

Genesis 2:15-24

1 Corinthians 7:12-16

1 John 1:8-10

Matthew 19:1-9

Jeremiah 32:27

1 Peter 3:1-7

Reflection & Discussion Questions

Use these on your own or with your family and friends to dig deeper into Sunday’s message.

  1. What is God’s desire and design for marriage?
  2. Is divorce ever commanded?
  3. What are the two conditions the Bible gives where divorce is allowed?
  4. How have you seen God work to restore a marriage that was broken? If you are married, how has God worked in your own marriage?
  5. What does it mean that he cleanses us from “all unrighteousness”?