Why Give?

Why Give?

Ever wonder why we give to the church and others? As we go through the 2015 Season of Giving, we are taking time to evaluate the motivation behind our giving. Is it so we will be happy, wealthy, and wise, or is it something greater than that? Find out in the messages...
Samson: The Weakest Strongman on Earth

Samson: The Weakest Strongman on Earth

  Many think of Samson as an incredible man of strength. God used him to defeat the Philistines time and time again in the face of unimaginable odds. Yet, is Samson a hero to be emulated? A close look at his life shows us things aren’t always as they seem....
What Now?

What Now?

  Recent research has shown what we already knew: Americans’ views on Christianity and the church are changing, leaving us with questions about the future. As many around us grow more hostile to the message of the cross, how should we as believers respond?...
family MATTERS.

family MATTERS.

There are a lot of questions in our world today about what the family should look like. Can we really draw information from a book that is thousands of years old, or is the Bible just too far removed from our current culture? Find out how God’s Word informs our thoughts about the family in this series that seeks to explain that family truly does matter.

Worship: A Matter of The Heart

Worship: A Matter of The Heart

With changes in musical style, terms like “worship wars”, and confusion in churches about the nature of worship, it is easy to lose sight of the true nature of worship. In this series, we are taking a look at what God says about worship from His word. We...