What Nothing Else Can Do

The Call to Minister

As Paul explains his role as a minister, he demonstrates four different aspects of his call. Although these are especially true of those called into vocational ministry, they should also be true of all believers. Find out more in this message from Colossians 1:24-2:5.

What Nothing Else Can Do

Who I Was and Who I Am

Now that we have a better picture of who Jesus is, we can take a hard look at who we are without Him and celebrate who we are once we are in Him. This message is from Colossians 1:21-23.

What Nothing Else Can Do

Joyful Gratitude

The normal heartaches of life can make it difficult for us to stay grateful. As we finish Paul’s prayer from Colossians, we see three reasons why we can always be grateful to God. This message covers Colossians 1:11-14.