Genuine Faith
In last week’s message, we saw that fake faith is all about the eyes. This week, we look at the nature of genuine faith and find that it is all about the heart. Find out more from Acts 8:25-40.
In last week’s message, we saw that fake faith is all about the eyes. This week, we look at the nature of genuine faith and find that it is all about the heart. Find out more from Acts 8:25-40.
In Acts 8, Luke gives us pictures of what genuine faith and fake faith look like. This week’s message examines the nature of fake faith and finds out that it is all about the eyes.
As persecution forced the church out of Jerusalem and into the surrounding areas, the early Christians discovered a valuable truth that still holds true for us today: God often does His greatest work through us when we are most uncomfortable.
In Acts 6-7, we find the story of Stephen, a man whose life was cut short by an angry mob. Yet, Scripture records that Stephen led a full life up to the very end. Find out what it looks like to live a full life in this message from Acts 7:51-60.
Stephen, one of the men chosen to lead in the early church, was an incredibly faithful servant. Find out 3 marks of faithful servants in this message from Acts 6:8-7:53.
The rapid growth of the early church led to some unique challenges. Find out how we as a church can navigate those same challenges together as we look at Acts 6:1-7.